July 20

On this Do-Nothing Monday, something rather wonderful happened:
I disassembled the crib in Lily's room, since she is officially sleeping in her Big Girl Bed now.
Then I moved the crib into what was Daisy's room, and what will now be Eli's room.
There, I reassembled it, and Eli took his very first nap in his own crib, in his own room!

I nursed him to sleep, laid him in the crib, and two hours later he woke up like this:
Hi there, handsome! I was so excited - would it really be that easy? 
But nap #2 didn't go so well. Eli spent twenty minutes looking around, not falling asleep despite my best attempts to subdue him. Finally I  brought him into my bed, where he went right to sleep. Stinker. So this sleeping in the crib thing may take some practice, but just having a crib for him is a step in the right direction.

During nap #2, I let rice burn on the stove while I tried to take Lily's 2-year pictures. My results? Less than stellar.

They were all a variation of this: 
I call it "Screaming Toddler, Running Away from Camera."

Oh! Almost a smile?

Nope. Just a scream.

How about "Screaming Toddler with Chair"?

Or maybe "Screaming Toddler with Smiling, Helpful Sister"?

Maybe Lily will cooperate another day. Or maybe this is just what two looks like.

I will say that this is definitely what four looks like.

What a goof.

Even Caleb tried to coerce Lily into having her picture taken. He gamely sat in the chair and gave me a cheerfully blank stare, but Lily would have none of it. So it goes. My rice was burning.

After I started over with the rice, I realized it was about time for Chris to get home. I corralled the kids to wait on the front porch for Daddy, but just as I was about to let them out there, he pulled into the driveway. So instead of waiting for Daddy to arrive, I turned them loose with instructions to tackle Daddy with hugs and kisses.

I'd say they did their job very well. Chris was surprised and happy.

That girl. Refused to let me put her hair up, refused to have her picture taken, but goodness, isn't she sweet in that new dress from Grandmother?

And Caleb, rocking his new tie-dyed shirt from - of course - Aunt Jenny.

And Daisy, who is just Daisy. Love that girl.

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