August 1

Big news: Eli slept in his crib last night for three hours. When he woke up, I debated going in and nursing him and putting him back down in his crib, but laziness won and I brought him into bed with me. That probably wasn't the right decision, though, because he is still struggling with the transition to the other side of the bed, and neither of us slept well.

Chris and I woke up this morning at 7:45, which is unusual because Caleb and Daisy always wake up at 6 am. 
And they did today, too, but instead of waking us Chris up, they played quietly until we woke on our own. It was lovely.

Lily slept until 9:30, which is unusual for her, and seemed strangely groggy. Chris thought she was just tired, but this mama knew: the girl was sick.
An hour later, she puked all over the place.
Twenty minutes later, she puked all over me.
Poor girl.

She ended up going down for a nap at 1:30, and sleeping until I woke her at 5:30. But no more puking! I'm praying it's just a fluke, and that it passes over everyone else in the family. Chris leaves in the morning, and Lord knows I can't handle a stomach bug working through the family without him.

While the little ones napped, Chris took the big ones to a Splash Bash at our church. They had a blast! Then we met my friend Sara for pictures at the park where we were married - our anniversary tradition. Hopefully I'll have some to share soon!

In the meantime, I didn't take any pictures today. Oops. I realized this as I was nursing Eli to sleep, so I asked Chris to step in and take a few pictures with his cell phone.
That's real life right there. Hey, it's World Breastfeeding week today. There you go.
(Yes, I'm wearing makeup. Pictures, remember? It seems strange to see myself in it, though, since I never wear any.)

Goodnight, Eli!

1 comment:

  1. looking gorgeous! these are really, really beautiful :)
