August 11

Today we:
visited Daisy's new preschool classroom (same teacher as last year, but a new building)
met Caleb's new teacher
celebrated Max's birthday

I was hoping we would have some big end-of-summer/back-to-school celebration, but I have to tell you: my creative/fun/awesome mama stores are just about depleted. I am done. So instead of doing something fabulous, we did what  needed to be done and had fun along the way.

Daisy is excited about her new classroom and the new playground that comes along with it. She already loves her teacher, so that part is easy. She was definitely nervous when we went to the classroom today, though. She clung to my hand and was basically glued to my side the whole time. By the end of our visit, though, she was feeling more confident.

Caleb did not want to go to his open house. I almost had to drag him to the van. It was kind of sad. We talked about how people sometimes feel nervous and excited and scared and anxious all at once, but he denied feeling nervous at all. He just didn't want to go. Eventually I got him out of the house and to his school. We met his teacher, who is lovely and young and very nice. We found his spot at his table in the classroom, and then started looking around to see what other kids were in his class. 

Either God is watching out for my boy, or his kindergarten teacher made a really kind suggestion, or a little bit of both, because Caleb's favorite friend (a little girl whose parents likely immigrated to the US and who probably doesn't speak English at home) from his class last year is also in his class this year. When we saw her name, Caleb's whole little body filled up with joy. There was honestly a physical change in my sweet, sensitive boy; he went from sad and scared and deflated to eager and confident and okay. America was in his class, and that was all that mattered. I nearly cried with thankfulness.

Objectively, I can look at this situation and see the silly mom who is way too involved in her child's life and feels glad that her kid has a friend in his class. But this is way, way more than  that. This is a moment of grace, and I am thankful.

Caleb left school much more excited and much less nervous for the first day tomorrow. He even gave his new teacher a hug on the way out. He's as ready as he'll ever be!

At home, we thanked my mom for her invaluable babysitting services and sent her home. It was nearly time for Max's birthday party!

I loaded the kids, the camera, my wrap, Max's present, and a dairy-free frozen pizza into the van, and off we went.

I had visions of taking stunning, memorable pictures of Max's birthday celebration. In reality, I handed my camera and iPhone to other people and ended up with a few sweet snapshots. So it goes. I'm just barely hanging on here.

Eli was overdue for a nap. He kept pulling my hair. I was thankful for my margarita.

During present-opening time, Lily plopped herself down in Emily's lap and supervised things. Emily was so sweet and gamely snuggled my girl while helping Max open his gifts. It made my heart melt just a little.

Eli finally fell asleep, so I handed my camera to Jenny to document things. She's  good sport. I was so thankful that darned baby finally fell asleep.

Daisy really, really wanted to sit in my lap, but she kept bonking Eli and waking him up. I sent her to go sit in Grandma's lap, and she was a very happy girl. 

I am thankful for my family. Eli was especially difficult tonight: I nursed and rocked him from 8:30-9:30, and the kid just refused to sleep. Finally I got to the point that I wanted to smash something, so I put him in the crib and left. My wonderful mom was here to help with bedtime, and she totally understood. She finished up with Lily and - no questions asked - went in to pick Eli up and rock him. It is such a blessing to have people who know and understand and take care of what needs to be taken care of without casting judgment. My mom makes everything better, and I am thankful for her.

And I think she finally got the baby to sleep. Praise the Lord.

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