August 9

It is thunderstorming. Eli is screaming. The big kids are asleep and Lily and my mom are snuggled up in bed. 

Caleb and Daisy have figured out how to turn the TV on in the morning, find PBS kids, adjust the digital antenna, and watch their shows. It's great, except that I don't wake up as early. Normally I love that, but I was hoping to leave for church around 8:15 this morning, but I woke up at 8:04. Oops.

Eli did not sleep through the night. Not even close. But he did sleep in his crib for about 3 hours, so that's something.

We were 37 minutes late to church. When we got there, I realized that Eli had pooped during the drive, and it was a blowout. Great.
When I picked the kids up from their classes after church, I noticed that Lily had a poopy blowout, too. 
Daisy had 4 tantrums between church and Costco.

When we got home, I ended up sending her to bed at 12:30 and she napped for 4 hours. Girl needed it.

Here is Eli before what I thought was bedtime:

Except it wasn't bedtime, it was just a 30-minute nap. That was two and a half hours ago.

Since then, I have rocked him, snuggled him, nursed him, burped him, watched the thunderstrorm with him, worn him, done the dishes with him, said goodnight to the kids with him, nursed him again...
Babies are exhausting. It's a good thing he's so cute. But it's 9:00 and I'm done with everything else for the night, so we will be fine.

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