August 12

Today was the day: Caleb's first day of school!

It still kind of blows my mind that I have a first grader; something about that seems so much older than a kindergartener. Caleb definitely had mixed emotions about today. He really wanted to stay home with us, but he was also a little excited about school. 

When it was time to take him to the bus stop, Caleb and Daisy were dressed and ready. Lily woke up just in time, and I had to wake Eli and wrap him on my back.

Before we could go, though, I had to take a few pictures.

That pretty much sums it up.

Luckily, Eli was on my back. All it took was a little peek-a-boo with Eli to make Caleb smile. 
My big first grader! Last week he decided what he would wear today, and he planned his clothes all week to make sure this shirt would be clean.

Off to the bus! 
There. That's my boy. Not sure, but he's gonna do it anyway.

My boy. 

First grade! 
(I love Lily trying her best to bomb the photo.)

It didn't even cross my mind that Daisy might have a hard time with Caleb going back to school. I was more worried about Caleb's heart. But as we walked to the bus stop, Daisy had at least two tantrums. She tripped and fell and scraped both elbows, and began screaming and crying hysterically.
Then she claimed that Caleb pushed her, and began screaming and crying. (He totally didn't push her.)

Then we saw the bus coming down the hill and Caleb wanted to give Daisy a goodbye hug. 
She would have none of it. She flat-out refused, and Caleb began crying. 
In that moment, my heart broke for my poor sweet boy. He can be a stinker sometimes, but he is really very sensitive. So with Eli on my back, I got down on my knees, wrapped my arms around him, and prayed over my crying little boy. I prayed for his heart, for his teacher, for his friends, for his day. And then I sent him on the bus.

Daisy had three more tantrums on the way home.

It wasn't until the end of the third one that I realized that she wasn't freaking out because she was overtired, or because she had gluten and sugar last night (though I'm sure those contributed to the problem). It was because she was upset about Caleb leaving her and she didn't know how to express those feelings. As soon as the lightbulb turned on in my head, I went back and hugged my little girl as she sobbed. Being four is hard work, and Daisy is so precocious that sometimes I expect more of her than one should expect from a four-year-old.

Of course, I still lost my patience with her several more times today. There's something about parenting a carbon copy of myself that is really challenging. But at least I understood.

We went on to a play date at the home of my new MOPS table leader and I met my new group before the first meeting on Thursday. I think it will be a fun year!

Since the playdate was right by the restaurant my sister manages, we stopped in to see her for lunch. The girls were ecstatic, and even more excited when my parents joined us, too. I was especially thankful for some extra hands, because Eli wanted to shove everything in his mouth. Kid is so ready for solid foods - he just has to start sitting independently first!

After lunch, we went home and took naps. All three children napped at the same time, and I treated myself to a celebratory margarita. It was lovely.

And then it was time to get Caleb off the bus. Just like last year, he emerged from the bus into his sisters' waiting arms. Both girls were so excited to have their brother back home, and they wrapped him up in big hugs. He had a good day, he loved the big kid playground, and he enjoyed snack time. A classmate was mean to him in line, but that was okay. He wanted to hug his favorite friend America, but one time last year a classmate teased him for hugging her. I asked him what the kid said, and he told me that he shouldn't tell me. When I pressed, he said, "He said 'K-I-S...'"
Oh! The boy teased you that you were kissing her!
A nod yes.
So we talked about side hugs as an option and how it's okay to hug girls who are our friends if we want to. Poor kid. I am often baffled by all of the things he experiences that he never tells me about.

Eli may not be able to hug Caleb yet, but the boys had a good snuggle/wrestling match on Lily's bed.

Those two will have so much fun together in a few years!

After dinner, I got all four kids bathed and in their jammies, and I let them watch PBS kids in my big bed while I put Eli down.

Aren't they sweet?
Eli didn't go down, but thankfully my mom arrived and handled things. She handles things like a boss, and I am thankful for her.

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is so hard! I wouldn't want to say goodbye to sweet Caleb on to that scary bus! I know how he is feeling. But thank God he has you and Chris and his siblings to be supportive and loving. Then he can be confident in his choices. I'm sure Daisy is feeling the changes too, you are right.
