August 16

I really thought Caleb was going to be the next victim of our stomach bug today, but so far he seems unscathed. I'm praying that remains true, because I'd hate for him to miss school this early in the year. Eli has a cold, though, and is just not sleeping and napping well, so we chose to stay home from church today. Plus, Chris needed to clean up all of the trimmings and branches from the major chopping our bushes got yesterday.

First, a trip to the hardware store for some yard bags.
Caleb chose to stay home and Eli was "napping" (it lasted all of 20 minutes), but Lily and Daisy and Lily's baby doll were excited to go with Chris to the hardware store.

Once they got home, Chris got right to work. Luckily, he had a crew of eager "helpers".
Lily mostly stood around and laughed. She does that well. I think she just wanted to stay close to Daddy in case he tried to leave her for two weeks again.

Then they discovered that they fit perfectly inside the yard waste bags.

What a fun game! 

Even Chris fits in the bag!

Caleb played, Lily stood around and laughed, but Daisy? That girl is a workhorse! 
She was focused on helping her Daddy. These pictures remind me so much of my fierce determination as a child.

Daisy was so proud of how strong and how helpful she was!
She is a funny girl. Photos like this remind of who Daisy really is, and that we'll get through this tricky season.

Meanwhile, inside...
Eli practiced his sitting!

Look at that! He's almost there!

He's still pretty wobbly and doesn't really know or understand what he's doing, but he is so close to sitting! Can you tell from the look on his face how very tired he is? The poor boy fought sleep all evening last night, and all day today. Normally he takes two naps that are at least 90 minutes each. Today, he took several 20-30 minute naps, and one that was just over an hour. I'm going to call it sleep regression based on developmental chaos. He's getting ready to sit and maybe crawl, and it's caused him to totally forget how to nap. It will pass. Hopefully sooner, rather than later!

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