March 9

I'm hesitant to type it, because I don't want to jinx things, but... I think Eli is getting better at nursing. It still takes him forever to eat, but he is wanting fewer and fewer bottles, and it seems like he is getting more milk when I feed him. I so hope it's true; much of what I've read and been told by our doctor says that things like this generally improve around 6 weeks, and definitely improve by 10 weeks. So we're in the home stretch, right? It's funny/sad/strange to think about how rough things were 5 weeks ago, when I was in the throes of the worst case of mastitis ever. Eli is still not a great nurser, but we've come so far, and I am so thankful.

We took Lily to the chiropractor this morning. This chiropractor is covered by our insurance, and I like her a lot, but her style and technique is very different from that of the chiropractor I saw throughout my past two pregnancies. I just hope it helps Lily's ears!

After the chiropractor, the little ones and I ran some errands, then came home and snuggled in bed while I fed Eli. Both girls took long naps, and didn't wake up until Caleb was home from school. We all played outside, and I didn't take any pictures. We ate dinner. We went for a family walk, and I still didn't take any pictures. So the only pictures I have for you tonight are these:

Sweet sleeping Eli, wrapped up on his Daddy's chest.

The past few nights, Chris has worn Eli while he does the dishes and I do the blog. It works really well, and gives me hope that I will be able to start heading to the gym in the evenings. Lord knows I need to; I currently only have one pair of pants that fit. Time to ditch this baby weight!

Also, I finally posted Eli's newborn photos on the blog. I shared them on Facebook a few weeks ago, but forgot to post them here. Scroll down to the end of this post, and you can see my favorites. 

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