March 7

Today the sun shined! It was warm and beautiful and felt like spring! And we accomplished so much, including a visit with friends, a trip to Costco, washing both of the cars in the driveway, grocery shopping....

and I am so, so very tired.

Not just from the events of the day, but from the events of the past five weeks. I have reached the point of soul-crushing exhaustion that everyone jokes about when you're about to have a baby. I've only been here once before, when Caleb was brand-new. After him, we figured out co-sleeping and side-lying nursing and everything was fine. But Eli hasn't figured nursing out yet, let alone side-lying nursing. And so I am so, so very tired.

At three this morning, after nursing Eli off and on for a few hours, I finally woke Chris up and begged him to feed the baby a bottle. 

That good man of mine took the wailing infant from my arms, warmed up a bottle, and fed and tended him until 7 am while I slept. I woke up to this:

Eli and Chris, snuggled in bed together. So sweet, and even sweeter after having a few hours of sleep.

Still, I am so, so tired.

Also, this is what bedtime looks like around here lately:
That, my friends, is six people in a king-sized bed. I've been spending a lot of time in it, nursing and pumping to feed Eli. And the kids always want to be where I am, because, come on - I'm awesome. So somehow pre-bedtime story reading has migrated from the couch to the big bed, as long as I'm in it. I love the madness that is our family!

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