March 22

We went for a family walk last night, and for a change of pace Chris wore Eli and I wore Lily on my back. It has been several months since I last wore Lily on my back, and I was definitely not in the shape required to comfortably tote a 22-pound child on my back. Still, Lily and I both enjoyed it. I was surprised to realize that I had really missed wearing her! Unfortunately, I have Eli on me most of the time, so Lily doesn't get much of a chance to ride on my back.

Today was one of those days; Eli wasn't content unless he was being held, and even then his happiness was questionable. The only thing that made him happy was being wrapped up against me, so I popped him in the ring sling while Chris and I made dinner.

Poor Lily wandered around the kitchen, scavenging for scraps of food and attention. She kept asking to be up, and I finally figured out that she wanted to be on my back! I felt so bad for the poor girl that, without any planning or advance preparation, I put her on my back.
With Eli on my front.
It's called "tandem wearing", and I've wanted to try it, but never researched the best way to go about doing it, or which carriers/carries work best... Today, we just went for it out of necessity.
Eli is in the ring sling on my front, and Lily is wrapped up in some sort of a ruck (ruck tied at waist? Ruck with a waist belt?) on my back. I'm sure that if I had taken a moment to plan/remove Eli, I could have done things more comfortably, but both children were secure and happy, so I call it a win. But boy they were heavy! It felt like I was moving underwater. Hopefully as I shed this baby weight and get back in shape, I can wear them both comfortably for longer periods of time!

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