March 28

Today was Saturday. It was also the day of a birthday party to which Caleb had been invited. It was also Eli's two month birthday.

The birthday party for Caleb's friend was at 10:30, so Chris and Caleb left pretty early. While they were gone, I realized that Eli was almost out of clean sleepers, so I gathered up the laundry. However, Eli was being high-maintenance, so I didn't manage to put the laundry in the wash. Luckily, Lily was eager to help.
The girl grabbed the big bag full of dirty laundry and dragged it all the way down the long hall!
(Also, let's take a moment to acknowledge her outfit: Daisy's old sparkly leotard, which now fits Lily, mismatched socks, and unbrushed hair. It's pretty fantastic.)

I think Lily might be the funniest and cutest of any of our children at this age. She's the perfect combination of stinker and sweetheart!

The girls went down for their naps before the big boys even got home from the party, and while they were napping I tried to take a few birthday photos for Eli. Two months old is not an easy age to photograph; Eli is smiling now, but not consistently enough that I could make him smile for the camera. I was disappointed not to catch any of his sweet little grins, but keep coming back. We'll get one soon!

I know they're not especially impressive, but the child has verifiable rolls on his arms. It makes a mama happy.

I also officially put away all of his newborn clothes today. The boy is too tall for all of them!

Eli is getting wigglier and and more mobile. Also, the front part of his hair has fallen out and is starting to be replaced by new fuzz. In the meantime, his hair loss screams male pattern baldness. Let's hope it's not a precursor to later years.

At two months, Eli's eyes are still a dark grayish-blue. I'm confident they'll turn brown soon. And see what I mean about the forehead wrinkles? As he gains weight, the wrinkles are slowly disappearing!

Sweet baby toes!

Look at that awesome head control! Eli is a strong little man, and is hitting his milestones like a champ.

At two months old:
weighs 9 lb, 4 oz
has no routine at all, and is definitely not sleeping through the night
is (finally) alert for longer periods, often staying awake for an hour or more
wiggles and moves all over the place
is only happy when he's held or worn
looks at faces and has started looking at the toys dangling over his swing
has started cooing and gurgling
still nurses all the time, and takes a long time, but he's getting faster
has excellent head control and loves being wrapped on my back, or worn in any way

Here's a video of his cute little wiggles and coos, and even a sneeze and a yawn. Not particularly exciting, but worth sharing for posterity and whatnot.

Soon we were interrupted by Lily, who had just woken up from her nap. Of course she wanted to see her baby! 
She is wearing a jacket that is supposed to be Daisy's, but Daisy didn't want. Lily, however, loved it, and is now obsessed with a size 3T jacket. For her nap, she wore the sparkly leotard with skirt, mismatched socks, BabyLegs, and the jacket. Lily is hilarious.

That bright smile? Totally characteristic of Lily. She's happy because she's using a storage cube to climb up onto our bed. That cube is now a fixture in our room, and Lily freaks out if someone moves it!

Lily loves her baby so much!

Eli tolerates her, but it's probably because at this point, he has no other options.

At bedtime, Caleb stayed with me in the kitchen while Chris put the girls to bed. I was getting ready to go to the grocery store, so Caleb "helped" me write my list.
He wrote pork, bacon, carrot, cheese, snack bars, ?, apples, honey, and wine. It was an especially sweet moment because it wasn't my idea. Caleb wanted to be with me while Chris put the girls down, and when I told him that I was just going to be making my grocery list, he said, "I can write it for you!" I love that Caleb is gaining confidence with his reading and writing, and with forming words. Obviously, his fine motor skills are still under construction. But I'm so proud of what a big boy he's becoming!

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