March 13

Caleb and Daisy's spring break officially began today. Since it's the kids' first "real" spring break, I have lots of plans to fill our time and make it special. Chris is even taking a few days off work for adventures with us! Today's plan was the Butterfly House and nearby carousel, which the kids have been on maybe once, ever. Chris was supposed to take the day off so we could go as a family in the morning, but because he took the afternoon off yesterday for my doctor appointment, he really needed to go in to work this morning to tie up some loose ends. The carousel requires a paid adult for each child under four, which meant that it would be impossible for me to take all four kids on the carousel by myself, so I couldn't do the outing without Chris. His alternate plan was to come home at lunch time, and he would take the big kids out while I stayed home with Eli and Lily.

I was really glad that Caleb and Daisy weren't disappointed, but I was definitely sad that I had to stay home with the babies while Chris and the big kids got to have a fun adventure.

While we waited for Chris to come home, I did my best to fill the morning.

I can't even remember now why I took this picture. It's probably not blog-worthy, especially with all of the mess in the background, but I love the fact that Caleb and Lily always share chairs. It's always Lily's idea, and Caleb just barely tolerates it, but he does. If it were Daisy, he would definitely not tolerate it. But since it's Lily, he's willing to have her in his space. There is something about that girl that wins everyone's heart!

I am desperate to get Eli up on my back, but back carries aren't recommended for newborns unless one is a very experienced wrapper. He's six weeks old now, so no longer a newborn, but still the size of a newborn, and his adjusted age is really only one week, so I'm not really sure what the rules are. Also, how does one know when one is an "experienced wrapper"? But today I was feeling bold and we tried it for the first time. I think we did okay! He could have been a bit higher; with newborns, they recommend having them high enough that you can feel their breath on the back of your neck. So really, he should have been about 6 inches higher. Despite that, though, he fell asleep almost immediately. I guess he really liked it! I was nervous the whole time, though, so I only kept him on my back for maybe 15 minutes. Caleb snapped this photo of Eli's first back carry for me.

When we planned our week, I mentioned to Caleb that we could do fun things at home, too, like baking cupcakes and blah, blah, blah. Well. If you mention cupcakes to that kid, he will take you up on it! He remembered my offer and cashed it in today. I made him work for the cupcakes, though: he had to read the directions, and do all the measuring, and crack the eggs. It was great!

Then it was lunchtime, and Chris came home, and I put Lily down for her nap, and Chris, Caleb, and Daisy headed off on their adventure. 

I was productive while they were gone: I paid bills (our first hospital bill arrived today. Whomp, whomp), updated Lily and Eli's month-by-month photo frames, wrote a thank-you note, fed Eli for a long time, and took pictures of Eli's feet.

What is it about baby feet? Is it that they're so tiny?

Or so soft and squishy?

Is it that they've never touched the ground, and their only purpose right now is to be adorable?

I don't know, but I now have a lot of pictures of these sweet little feet, so I call the day a win.

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