March 25

Caleb and Daisy always wake up right at 6:30 am. 
So when they weren't awake today when Chris left for work at 7 am, I knew something was up. Caleb finally woke up at 7:45, with his eyes all goopy despite the antibiotic eye drops. Daisy woke up around 8, and Lily a little bit after.
All three kids had goopy eyes, and later I realized that Eli did, too.
So they all have pink eye. 

Caleb was still not himself, and he woke up way too late to get to the bus on time, so I kept him home from school. The others were fine, just high-maintenance. Except for the part where Eli definitely threw up all over me. That wasn't fine.

Taking care of four sick, crabby, high-maintenance kids is exhausting, and I ended up feeding them popcorn, applesauce, and chocolate milk for lunch because it was the only thing they'd eat. 

For a brief, shining hour, all four children napped at the same time. It was glorious. But instead of sleeping, I chose to work on the diapers I am converting from velcro to snaps. Lily's diapers are barely holding on, so I need to be able to swap them out for the ones I've converted, pronto.

They woke up from naps, and Caleb was full of energy and clearly feeling better. We were about to go for a walk before Chris got home and it was dinnertime, when Lily threw up on the floor. Of course. And then she did it again, and again, and again...

Chris got home after the second puke, so at least he was there to help me. And at least I only have one puker at a time, not all four puking at once. When it was finally dinner time, Daisy and Lily ate nothing, and Caleb ate everything. He is totally going to school tomorrow.

Daisy was looking pretty peaked, though, and Chris and I are betting she'll throw up in the night.

So once again, no pictures of Eli until right now.

Chris wore Eli in the stretchy wrap while he washed dishes. I love how his little face peeks out!

Although don't you think he looks a little bit like Baby Darth Sidious from Star Wars? Or have I spent too much time with my Star Wars-obsessed son?

There. Now he's no longer a Sith lord, just my sweet baby.

Now go away, sickness! I told Chris that when the kids are finally healthy, I am taking a day off. Lord knows this mama needs one!

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