March 23

Today was not the best day. I knew it getting out of bed; Eli was quite a handful during the night. My FitBit can attest to the fact that he kept me awake from roughly 2 am to 4:30 am. Nursing, burping, nursing, spitting up... it was really frustrating for me because he just wouldn't settle down, and he was clearly uncomfortable. Plus, I was exhausted and he wouldn't cooperate. Then, when he finally fell asleep, I had to get up to start the back-to-school grind again.

Caleb has had a nasty cold all weekend, and had a bloody nose in the night. Luckily, he was cheerful and cooperative and we got him off to the bus on time (just barely - he had to run to catch it!). Then we went to the chiropractor for Lily, and a trip to Target. Usually I love Target runs, but this was the most obnoxious Target visit ever.

The girls were starving by the time we got home, so I fed them lunch. I was starving, too, but just as I was ready to sit down to eat the omelette I had just made myself, I got a phone call.
School Nurse.
Caleb had a red, swollen eye with gunk in it. She suspects pink eye. 
Luckily, none of the kids were napping yet, so we all loaded back into the van to pick up my sick boy. Honestly, I was expecting a call from the nurse today. Chris and I had debated keeping Caleb home from school because his cold seemed to have hit him really hard, but he was so cheerful this morning, and it was the first day back from spring break... The nurse and his teacher probably hate me because I always err on the side of sending him to school.

After treating Caleb's eyes (and Daisy's, which were looking suspiciously crusty) with breast milk and colloidal silver and essential oils, I put them all down for naps. I had a miraculous hour where all four - that's right, FOUR - of my children were asleep at once, but I wasted it prepping dinner instead of napping.

And then Caleb woke up, and his eyes needed to be treated, and then Daisy woke up, and then Lily woke up, and then it was time to make dinner, and after dinner my FitBit tells me that, like always, I spent a solid hour and a half in bed, feeding Eli, who still wouldn't fall asleep and who hasn't pooped all day, so is very uncomfortable... Can you see why I didn't take any pictures all day until just now?

So. This is the little man who is demanding all of my attention, always.
I'm not sure how it's humanly possible for him to STILL be hungry after a two-hour nursing session, but this photo sure makes it look like he is. I see this a lot. Kid is always hungry. Always. And I know that I make way more milk than he needs, so the problem is clearly on him. He'd better figure it out soon, because I'm going crazy!

It's a good thing he's such a sweet little baby.

Also, the forehead wrinkles? As he gains weight, they're slowly disappearing. I mourn the loss of them, but I suppose I don't really want poor Eli going through life with forehead wrinkles of the magnitude they once were.

And now he's fussing and Chris is feeding him a bottle while I drink a margarita and blog. Dear Lord, I hope this child sleeps tonight and that my two biggest kids wake up with clear eyes in the morning. Join me in praying, friends? This mama could use a little bit of easy.

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