March 26

Chris and I were confident that Daisy would throw up last night, but she didn't. In fact, she woke up cheerful and very, very hungry. Good as new. However, I should have had a clue that something was up when Caleb slept until 8:00 this morning. But I was so focused on getting him to school - he'd felt so great last night! - that I didn't even think about it. And even when he woke up, he was cheerful and had lots of energy. So I thought we were good to go! There was no way we could get to the bus on time, so we loaded up in the van and dropped Caleb at school (right as it was starting! Oops!) and Daisy at preschool (20 minutes late! Double oops!)

But it didn't matter; the sun was shining and the kids were at school and I was ready for life to return to normal and get some things done! Eli was only happy if I held him, though, so I wrapped him on my back and Lily and I got to work chopping and cooking and preparing in the kitchen.

Little man was perfectly content, and snoozed away the whole time.
I love babywearing.

Soon it was time to pick Daisy up, feed the girls lunch, and go down for naps. I had just gotten the girls to sleep and was settling in for a marathon nursing session/nap with Eli, when my phone rang.
Of course it was Caleb's school. Of course.
The nurse said he had just come in complaining of an ear ache, and when she looked in his ear it was angry and red and so swollen that she couldn't even see the ear drum.
Of course.
That poor boy can't catch a break. Over the course of 72 hours (really!), he has had a cold, pink eye, a stomach bug, and now an ear infection. And he keeps saying his forehead hurts, so I bet he has a sinus infection, too.
Still, the nurse said he (remarkably) didn't have a fever, so she sent him back to class. I told her that I'd like him to finish out the day if at all possible (it was 2:00, and school gets out at 4:00), and she was fine with that. That probably makes me a mean mama, but I thought it was the best thing.

When he got off the bus, Caleb said he had a bad day because every part of him hurt. Poor kid. But he was in good spirits and enjoyed running and playing in the afternoon sunshine, so he can't be too sick.

I feel awful even complaining about how sick my children are, when they could be so much sicker. Chris and I discussed it tonight, and I think the cumulative weight of everything is starting to come crashing down on me. I don't remember much math, but I remember learning about when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. That's where we are right now. This has been the most challenging 8 weeks of my life. Nothing really, exceptionally terrible has happened, but it's been so many bad or uncomfortable or challenging things one right after another after another that I feel like the total of it all is just plain awful. Or maybe all of my optimism and resolve and enthusiasm have completely worn down. But it all started with my water breaking at 34 weeks, 6 days, and it just keeps going. Hopefully it will stop soon, because I can't take much more.

But we played in the sunshine until the kids were all covered in mud, so I threw them in the tub for an early bath.
Rub a dub dub, three sick kids in the tub. You can see the red mustache that Caleb has acquired from his horrifyingly runny nose, and you can see the remains of pink eye in the corners of Daisy's eyes. Lily still has it, too, but Caleb's seems to have cleared up.

As I was bathing the kids, my mom called and offered to come over. What a blessing! Chris had a late work meeting, and I needed moral support and a set of arms to hold Eli. My mom is the best.

And because I can't end the day without a picture of my sweet little man, here he is at bedtime. You can see the gunk in his bottom (right, but on the left side of the photo) eye. I hope his pink eye clears up soon!

I still covet your prayers, friends. I realize that there are much greater problems in the world, and that many  people suffer more than we are right now. But it's still rough, and as much as I wish I were, I am not The Invincible Super Mom.

1 comment:

  1. I will pray for you all! I am so sorry it's been such a difficult time, non-stop. At least you know that God is growing you and strengthening you through all of this. You have already done such an amazing job pushing through each day and accomplishing so much with your family! Love you!!!!!!!
