March 16

Today was definitely the warmest and loveliest day of the year, and my children got to spend it with their Grandma! I have tried to plan fun adventures for each day of spring break, and today's adventure was "Fun with Grandma". Mom was actually eager to take the three oldest children for a good part of the day, which made a wonderful break for me. 

She sent me these cell phone updates of their adventures:

Reading books

Lily is clearly thrilled to be at Grandma's house!

Daisy has barricaded herself with toys. She's never leaving.

McDonald's for lunch, because Grandmas can do that. 

This kid was really happy.

And Lily rocked that playground like it was nobody's business. Want to see?

After lunch, Mom brought a hot, sweaty, messy Lily back to my house for a nap. Then she took Caleb and Daisy to her house for more play time.

Grandma has all kinds of Legos and cars, so Caleb was in heaven.

Jenny was there to read books to them and do puzzles with Daisy.

And what did I do all day?
ate a hot breakfast
drank coffee
played on Facebook
ate a hot lunch
worked on a sewing project without interruption
practiced wearing Eli on my back

Eli was remarkably cooperative today; maybe it was napping in the sunshine with the curtains blowing in the breeze, but the kid slept like a champ today. When he woke, I nursed him, then put him up on my back in this knotless ruck. He went right back to sleep. I wasn't nervous this time because after my previous post, I asked my local Facebook babywearing group about when it was okay to wear a newborn on my back. They determined that I can consider myself an "expert" wrapper, and proceed with caution. Hooray!

At dinnertime, Mom pulled my van into the driveway and it was like a clown car, unloading with Caleb and Daisy and Mom and Dad and Jenny. We all headed to a restaurant for dinner, and had a lovely meal, courtesy of the gift cards my aunt Deb sent us for Christmas.

The back of Lily's head is in the bottom left, then me wearing Eli, then Daisy snuggled up to my dad, Mom is across from him, then Jenny and an unsmiling Caleb. Chris took the picture. What fun!

Today was an awesome day, and by the time we got home from dinner the kids were totally spent. Tomorrow we take on the garden, and visit Daddy at work. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, what a fun day! I am sure you were savoring that coffee and quiet time and sewing!!! And they had loads of fun changing it up with Grandma, Yay!
