March 14

It's my aunt Deb's 60th birthday today, and my mom wanted to make it special for her. Since we're half a country apart, we did it the best way we could: Facebook. Mom asked us to post a picture of the kids wishing Deb a happy birthday on Facebook, but we took it up a notch, and did pictures and a video of the kids singing "Happy Birthday".

You know you want to see it.
My favorite part is at the end, when Daisy refuses to tell Deb happy birthday, then begins talking about her birthday instead. That girl is such a stinker!

People, this is the chaos that is my family. And I had to work and plan and position and cajole just to get a chaotic picture like this. You have no idea how insane these children are when left to their own devices!

I love this one. All of the color is just too much! Caleb just got the shirt, which was a hand-me-down from my nephew Ryan, who probably got it from my sister Jenny. Caleb loves it.

Later, my mom came over to watch the kids so that Chris and I could go for an afternoon lunch date. (I did take Eli with me, but I very well could have left him at home because he slept the whole time!) I had an Olive Garden gift card, so we had soup, salad, and dessert. It was just wonderful. We came home to a quiet house with both girls asleep and Mom and Caleb playing quietly in the front room. 

Then Chris took Caleb on a bike ride while Mom and I chatted.
They sent both Mom and me this selfie, which I think is just darling.

 Mom left, the boys returned, and I put Chris in charge of all of the children so that I could make dinner. Since today, 3/14/15, is Pi Day, we had pie for dinner. Normally we have breakfast for dinner on Saturday nights, but Caleb was adamant that we have pie for dinner. When I told him that I didn't know how to make a breakfast pie, Caleb said, "Well, you can google it!"
So instead of googling it myself, I put Caleb in charge. I opened up Google, and he sounded out and typed "breakfast pie" in the search bar. Then we looked through the recipes and chose one that looked good. When it finally came time to eat "his" breakfast pie, he thought it was delicious!

Meanwhile, Chris wore Eli in the stretchy wrap. After dinner, he unwrapped Eli to find him sound asleep. Even after he laid Eli on the kitchen table, the kid kept on sleeping!
(Don't worry, Mom, Chris was hovering right there. Eli was nowhere near falling off the table.)
That is one tired boy!

After dinner, we had even more pie: chocolate pie. It was a good day for the kids. Once they were in bed, Eli and I went out to do the grocery shopping. From doorstep to doorstep, I got it knocked out in 45 minutes, which is a major feat. I'm pretty proud of myself!

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