March 1

It snowed last night! In fact, it snowed a lot last night. Unfortunately, Chris also came down with a stomach bug last night. Fortunately/unfortunately, he was supposed to go to a work event  last night, so my mom was already planning on coming over to help me with dinner and bedtime. So while Chris laid in bed and moaned, Mom and I handled dinner and bedtime and cleaned everything up while the snow fell and fell and fell. During a lull in the snow around 9pm, Mom headed home.

Sometime after that, Chris snapped this picture of me holding Eli.
Can you tell how tired I am? And how tired he is?
And can I tell you how thankful I am that he hasn't outgrown his forehead wrinkles yet? I hope those stay forever.

Thankfully, Chris' stomach thing seems to have been a one-time event. He felt touchy all day, but at this point he's gone over 24 hours without puking, so I think he's better. Now I'm just praying that it passes over the rest of the family!

The kids were itching to play in the snow all day, but it wasn't until this afternoon that Chris was able to take them out.

I let them out onto the deck, and Caleb and Daisy immediately dropped to the ground and began making snow angels.

Daisy has been talking about making snow angels for the past month.

I think she's finally satisfied.
She also has finally outgrown her snow pants - they're size 2T and fit this nearly-four-year-old almost perfectly, except for the fact that they're about four inches too short. I suppose it's time for some new ones.

Lily, meanwhile, is rocking a hand-me-down snowsuit from our neighbor up the street. She's at the stage where she loves the snow, but can't really move when you place her in it.

I sat down to write this post at 10:30 pm, but realized that I hadn't actually taken any pictures of Eli today. So I grabbed my camera and headed back to my room, where Chris was feeding Eli a bottle of freshly squeezed milk. I had spent the past 45 minutes feeding Eli, then pumping and nursing at the same time, but the kid was still hungry. I look forward to the day when Eli can nurse effectively enough that I no longer have to pump after each feeding!

That boy is zonked. I believe they call this a "milk coma"?
I realized today that my favorite thing right now is Eli's sweet little head. Even though he's a month old, it's still the size of a newborn baby's head. I love nuzzling it as he snuggles on my chest; there's something so sweet and reassuring about his soft hair brushing against my cheek.

I swear I adjusted the color of the last two photos in Photoshop, but it didn't stick and I am much too tired to do it again. But there's my handsome husbando, who should be in asleep, healing and storing up  energy for a busy day tomorrow. Instead, he fed Eli his bottle so that I could write this blog post. What a good man I have!

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