March 10

After we got the big kids off to school and preschool today, Lily and I decided to give Eli a bath. Or rather, I decided to give Eli a bath and Lily decided to try to dump all of the bathtub water all over the bathroom floor without actually getting in the tub. Hijinks ensued.

Eli enjoyed the bath, but not so much the after-bath drying and lotioning and dressing.
Poor baby. He suffers so.

Even once he was dry and warm and clothed, he was still unhappy. But then he nursed like a champ and slept like a rockstar, so I'll call it a win.

By the time Caleb got home from school, it was sunny and nearly 60 degrees. Hooray for springtime! He and Lily played outside in their rainboots (the ground is super wet and squishy!) while Daisy continued to nap.

I ran inside to grab my camera and came back to find Caleb pushing a very-happy Lily in her swing. He really is a good big brother, especially with the little ones!

Then I averted my eyes as he dug in the mud and squirted water and performed various "experiments". Mud and mess and digging is an important part of learning, so I tried to let him do whatever he wanted, within reason. At first, he was confused and afraid he was going to get in trouble for getting messy. But when I reassured him that it was okay, he went to town!

Then Daisy exploded out of the house, wearing this awesome ensemble. She is so funny!

The big kids were digging for worms. After months of claiming to be afraid of them, Daisy now loves worms. That child.
And I have no idea what Lily was doing in the background.

After the big kids took their baths, the girls wanted snuggle time with Eli. 
Lily gave him kisses and hugs and attempted to wrap her arms around him.

Daisy fed him a bottle of breastmilk, and was very proud of herself. She was so funny, offering Eli little encouraging words and phrases. "Oh, that's a big drink! You are such a big man! Good job, my sweet little boy!" It was so sweet that I tried to take a video, but then Lily came over to watch over my shoulder, making comments the whole time, and Daisy got nervous, so the video isn't much to see. But it was cute, trust me.

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