March 6

We actually had a pretty good day today, despite the fact that Eli seems bound and determined to prevent me from getting more than two hours of sleep at a time, ever. 

The girls and I decided to pay a visit to the Butterfly House, but before we did that, we stopped by our diaper store to weigh Eli one more time. After his one-month checkup, our doctor told me that he was gaining well enough that she was no longer concerned with his weight and I didn't need to do any more weight checks. But this mama needs quantifiable evidence that Eli is growing, and that all of my exhaustion is worth it. So we stopped by the diaper store and weighed our little man, who clocked in at....
wait for it...
7 pounds, 9 ounces!!

People, that's the size of a normal newborn! And exactly a week ago, he was 6 pounds 13 ounces, so he gained 12 ounces in a week! Can you tell by all of the exclamation points that I'm excited? Because I'm totally stoked. Not that I'm surprised; the way that he's been nursing, combined with the fact that many of his newborn clothes are getting snug gave me a clue that he might have had a growth spurt. But still, it's nice to see the cold, hard numbers.

Riding that high, we went to the Butterfly House. Lately Daisy has been on an "I'm scared of ... (fill in the blank)" kick. She is scared of worms. Now butterflies. But today she wasn't scared, and so we paid a quick visit to the butterflies. Literally, we were in and out in 45 minutes. We saw the butterflies, checked out the toys, ate some popcorn, and left. I call it a good visit.

Then the girls napped, and Eli napped. I chose not to nap, and instead prepped dinner and stared at sweet sleeping Eli. I know it's foolish for a mama (especially one as tired as I am!) to sit around and watch her baby sleep, but some things are so precious that they're worth it.

I confess: I especially enjoy watching Eli sleep because normally he will only sleep when he's on me, wrapped on my chest, or in my arms, or attached to my breast. It's quite a treat to watch him sleeping on his own.

Hi baby!

Ha! And then he startled and threw his arms up in the air! But just as quickly, he fell back to sleep.

Now, however, he only wants to be held again. I spent the last three hours nursing and snuggling and rocking and holding, and now it's Chris' turn. I am spent.

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