March 30

Do-Nothing Monday.
Aside from a trip to the chiropractor (this time Lily, Daisy and I all got adjusted! Daisy held Eli when it was my turn, and she was really proud), we did nothing.

Once again, I managed to get all three children napping at the same time. Eli and I spent a good hour nursing and napping, which was lovely.
He was wrapped on my back while I put the girls down for their naps, and when I transferred him to the bed, I kept the wrap on him as a blanket. Sleep, sweet baby!

Amazingly, I was able to steal away and had two whole hours to be productive! Instead of tackling all of the cleaning and organizing and tidying that needs to happen right now, I chose to work on the boys' Easter outfits. I made Eli's shirt, finished Caleb's vest (except for the buttons because I have no idea how to do buttonholes), and began bow ties for all three boys. Hopefully everything is finished by Easter! I'll be honest - this morning, I was seriously considering scrapping the homemade items and heading up to Old Navy to buy something instead. I'm feeling really overwhelmed by life right now, and the Easter outfits are one more thing. But it was something I could do while stuck at home with three napping children, and it was something I wanted to do, so I did it. The consequence was that dinner hour was a disaster and the house is still a mess, but whatever. I accomplished something tangible.

Maybe Lily and I will clean while Daisy's at preschool tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Yeah I would totally be at Old Navy buying something or not even planning a special outfit! But how fun and I can't wait to see what they look like ;)
