March 22

It was a lovely day, but all I can think about right now is the fact that I just spent two hours trying to get Lily to sleep. TWO HOURS. I nursed her, rocked her, held her, laid her down... and then she screamed. I gave her some time to settle down, but she just kept screaming. So I went in and nursed her and rocked her and held her and laid her down... and she screamed.
Repeat cycle for two hours.
I am fully aware that if one rough evening is my worst frustration, then I am a very blessed mama. I am thankful for my beautiful, cheerful, healthy (except for a cold) baby. But nights like this are rough, and nights like this make me so thankful that my husband's birthday gift to me was a bottle of tequila.

But back to today.

When I got out of bed this morning, I saw this:
I cannot think of any better way to say "Good Morning!"

Seriously. This girl is killing me with her cuteness!

Lily's favorite thing right now is play food. I put her bouncer away entirely because she just didn't want to be in it; instead, when I'm working in the kitchen, I set her down next to the play kitchen and give her the basket full of play food. The girl can entertain herself for nearly half an hour like that!

Daddy with his girls.  It was a really sweet moment - Daisy was making Lily laugh - but as soon as I got my camera out, Daisy turned shy.

Lily doesn't understand the concept of shy yet.

Anyway, how could she be shy when Daddy and Sister are so funny?

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