January 9

Another snow day.
Remember yesterday when I wrote that I was really excited for Caleb to be back at preschool because he clearly needs some time away from me? (Or I need some time away from him - whatever.)
Yeah. God must have laughed and then sent the snow.
But we ended up having a lovely morning. 
The kids helped me make muffins for breakfast, which was fun... Or not, because yesterday I started watching what I eat in an effort to really lose this baby weight, and I didn't eat anything after dinner at 6:00. By the time the muffins were ready to eat at 9:00, I was absurdly hungry and therefore grouchy, irritable, short-tempered, and surprisingly faint. I suppose that's what happens when you're nursing full-time and you don't eat for 15 hours! 
Lesson learned: eat a late-night snack, or have something ready to eat first thing in the morning.

Then Caleb and Daisy played in a box. 
Caleb wanted a new warrior shield, so I cut one out of this box. But then the kids realized the box itself was a fun toy.

And then Daisy sat in a wooden box and drank a cup of tea. That's totally normal, right?

Caleb's sword and shield. I didn't even notice it, but Daisy was delighted to see her little eye in the bottom corner of this photo.

And we finally got our $25 Craigslist piano tuned! The tuner reported that it was built in 1919, and that it's in surprisingly good shape! Someone had the keys redone, and had parts of it refinished, too. His opinion was that this piano is perfect for our purposes: it is playable and will hold a tune, and it has a big, lovely sound. Hooray!

And of course, Lily. I was trying to capture the color of her eyes. Caleb and Daisy's eyes had both turned dark  brown by this point, but hers seem to be hanging out in a dark hazel/gray tone. Funny how that works!

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to see a comment about your piano. I'm anxious to see who's first to play chopsticks. :-)
