January 25

Right now, all I can think about is my deep desire to trade my baby in for one that sleeps.
That's an option, right?
She's been sick for nearly a week now, and it's just miserable for all of us. Last night, she was awake from about 11 pm to 3 am. Sure, she slept some of that time, but only if she was being held.

Tonight, Chris is off playing racquetball. I put Lily down at 7:30, then again from 8-8:30, then again from 10-10:30. It's frustrating and exhausting and an exercise in crushed hopes and expectations, made especially hard by the fact that she's miserable. Boo, I say.

But this morning, we had some fun. Chris and I decided to take a family excursion to the Fete de Glace, where there would be an ice carving competition. Hooray! The forecast told us that it would be in the mid-30s and dropping, but we were still under-prepared.
Something I am learning about Daisy: She is the kind of girl who will always stick her head in the cut-out photo-opp things. Always. 
I love that about her.

As we drove toward the Fete de Glace, we saw dark clouds. Clouds that looked like they were dropping rain on the area immediately north of the festival. As we unloaded kids from the car, it began snowing.
Ever a good sport, Caleb practiced catching snow flakes on his tongue.

Daisy did, too.
(How is it possible that she always has a curl around her eye? It is so cute!)

It snowed HARD!
Can you see Lily's little pink-hooded head peeking out from Chris' coat? He wore her in the ERGO and buttoned his coat around her. She slept the whole time!

This was the best family picture I got. Caleb was saying "No pictures!", Daisy wasn't willing to cooperate, and Chris was freezing because he had left his hat and gloves at home.

We stopped in a coffee shop to warm up and get some beverages. 
Lily stayed asleep.

We found some prime seats for the kids where they could drink their hot cocoa and watch the ice carving at the same time. Of course, my kids in a big picture window was more than I could resist, and I bopped outside to take a few pictures.

She's quite photogenic, no?

Again with the lovely faces.
Oh, Daisy.

Aren't they funny?

Caleb was pretty excited about his hot cocoa.

I was pretty excited about the dramatic lighting, and I took too many pictures.

Mmmm. Hot cocoa.

This was the kids' favorite ice sculpture: a dragon carved from five blocks of ice.

Daisy wore her boots, and she took every opportunity she found to splash in a puddle.

We were ready to leave, but Daisy asked if she could dance on the stage. How could we say no?

Lily made up for her Ice Festival sleepiness by being absolutely darling when we got home. While the kids napped, she and Chris had some quality time.

She thinks her daddy is pretty funny!

Look at her. She knows she has him wrapped around her finger.
Who am I kidding? She knows she has us wrapped around her finger.

Now if only the child would sleep!

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