January 30

This morning, I momentarily forgot that today was a preschool day and started excitedly telling Caleb about the fun things we would do.
Then his little face began to fall, and he said, "But I have to go to preschool!"

(I blame the lapse on Lily's erratic sleep habits, which had us up til midnight, when I finally gave in and pulled her into bed with me. Then she woke up at 4 (after nursing all night) with a leaky diaper. In my bed. Yuck. And then I put her back to sleep in her crib and she slept until 8 am. I have no idea what is going on with that child, but I sure wish she'd do whatever it is she's doing consistently, so at least I'm not confused all the time.)

What did we have planned today? Well, after we dropped Caleb off at school (we were late because he lost another set of mittens. He's lost 3 pairs so far, and I resorted to sending him to school wearing hot pink butterfly mittens) Jenny came over!

Daisy was so excited to have Jenny over, but without Caleb to run the show, she was shy and hesitant. I've never realized they had that dynamic before, but it was pretty clear today. She wanted so badly to interact with Jenny, but didn't know where to start! In the end, she started by getting out matching baseball caps for her and Lily.

Lily wasn't hesitant at all, and immediately began gnawing on Jenny's necklace. Babies always seem to love Jenny's jewelry and braids!

The girls and I worked on a little project for Jace, and both were super-excited to have scraps of minky dot fabric to play with. Lily chewed the heck out of hers!

She also had a lot of fun with her activity table. Since she's not yet pulling up or standing very well, I took the legs off. She was so proud when she figured out how to make it make music!

After dinner, it was Daddy entertains the kids so Mommy can have a break family reading time.

I was impressed that all four of them managed to sit in the same chair! Chris chose this book at the library last night, and it's pretty cute.

After they were done reading (and re-reading) Sergio Makes a Splash, Lily dove into B is for Bear. It's a perennial favorite in our household. Apparently Lily found it to be compelling and suspenseful.

"Whoa! No way! D is for duckling? Those ducks are so soft and fluffy! Wow!"

Goodness, she's cute! Now let's hope she sleeps tonight!

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