January 22

This morning, this happened:

Amber and I had nearly resigned ourselves to being internet-only friends during cold and flu season; with seven children between us (!), it seemed that we were constantly cancelling playdates due to one sick child or another. But today, she and all four of her children descended on our house, where among the seven children (!), there was only sweet Lily with a nasty cold.

I am blessed beyond measure to have friends who love my children (and me!) so much, and to have friends who are content with a playdate that involves piling on Daisy's bed and reading every.single.book.we.own.

The two children missing from the pile-up were only missing because they are capable of reading independently. I love that Mary is sitting in the sunshine, reading Winnie the Pooh in a tutu.

I love that Catherine is sitting on the other side of the bed, reading with a focus so intense that she is able to block out the chaos right next to her.

and I love, love, love this.

Also, this happened last night and was so funny that I had to share: 
That would be Daisy, drinking hot cocoa sans pants. 
She was going to the bathroom when I announced that the hot cocoa was ready. Never one to miss her cocoa, she came running without even pausing to put her pants back on. Luckily, she knows my rule that bare bottoms are not allowed to touch anything other than the toilet, and so she perched like this the whole time she drank her cocoa.

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