January 21

Despite the fact that I am just now starting to write this blog post at 10:15, today was a good day.
In fact, it was a really, really good day.

Lily has a cold, and a nasty one at that, so she woke up at 6 this morning, played with Chris for an hour, and was ready for a two-hour nap at 7:15. While she slept, Daisy and I made muffins, and Caleb and Daisy played happily and didn't need me at all. That is a miracle in itself. Then Emily, Billy, Max and Jace came over for a playdate/photo shoot, and after they left all three kids took three-hour naps - at the same time! It was amazing. I might have heard angels sing. While they slept, I edited the photos I took on Saturday of a friend's newborn. Lily woke up just as I was sharing the finished pictures. It really was like God smiled down on me!

Of course, this evening was challenging; it can never be a fully good day. Lily made me work for about an hour to get her to bed tonight. But now she's sleeping happily, just as I hope to  be soon.

Sweet Lily this morning. Not a great picture, but I love her little shirt. Prepare to see it nonstop, since Valentine's day is only... four weeks away.

Caleb took this picture of Lily. I kind of like it!

Remember what I said a few days ago about not rushing solids? I lied. Anytime we're eating something that might be appropriate for Lily, I've been giving her a piece. Today, it was cucumber sticks. She didn't actually eat any of it, but she really, really liked them! She also has a great gag reflex.

And finally, just for fun, here's a video of Daisy dressed as Superman and Caleb dressed as Batman, singing "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells."
I love that they're holding hands the whole time.
Best part of your day, right? You're welcome.

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