January 31

What a long day!
We started this morning with a birthday playdate for one of my MOPS friends. Caleb was delighted that he got to come! He has been a fussy, whiny bear lately, so I was delighted to get him out of the house and allow other children to entertain him!

Despite his grouchiness of late, he was really sweet with Lily while he brushed his teeth.
Lily just wanted to get that toothbrush into her mouth!

Gentle baby caresses. He loves her so much!

These two are so sweet!
(Not sweet is that bruise on Lily's temple, which I think she got by tipping over when she was sitting on our wooden floors. Ouch.)

No pictures of our playdate, but Caleb was such a mess when it was time for us to leave that I'm contemplating not taking him to any more playdates for a while.

This afternoon, silly things happened at our house. 
All three kids played happily in Lily's room. Daisy stood on a stool, announcing, "Class, it is time for a field trip to the pool!"
Then she wrapped a blanket around herself ("this my swimsuit!") and jumped into the "pool" over and over again. Meanwhile, Caleb read the latest issue of National Geographic, and Lily sat and watched, baffled by her siblings.

Lily trying to get my camera. Funny girl!

Then it was time for me to make dinner, but Daisy kept wanting me to put that darned blanket "swimsuit" on her. Finally, exasperated, I suggested that she could put on her real swimsuit all by herself.

Apparently neither she nor Caleb had ever realized this was an option.

They raced to put their swimsuits on, then came up with a game where they were both superheroes: he was Rubber Man and she was Polka Dot Girl.

Caleb's Rubber Man pose.
He's wearing swim trunks, a swim shirt, cape, and sunglasses.

This was Daisy's first Polka Dot Girl pose.

After a bit of thinking, she determined this was a better pose. I'm not sure I agree, but I do sense some superhero fierceness in her face!

After dinner, we headed out to check out the YMCA. We ended up swimming and signing up for a membership. The kids were so excited, and I confess - I am, too!

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