January 6

Christmas vacation is finally over, Snowmageddon is over, and Chris is back to work. However, the extreme cold (high of 2 degrees today) cancelled all of the schools in the area and kept us snuggled up warm at home today.  The kids spent the morning happily playing with blocks, Legos, games, and instruments while I finally got back to work on the curtains for Lily's room. 
 (Those things are ridiculous. They had better be fantastic when they're done, because I am expending an obscene amount of time on them. I spent at least two hours today, if not three, just ironing the stupid fabric. Ironing so that I could hem. So to recap, so far I have: purchased 10 yards of fabric. Washed 10 yards of fabric. Ironed 10 yards of fabric. Cut 10 yards of fabric into strips. Ironed 10 yards of fabric again. And I still have to hem 10 yards of fabric, then ruffle 10 yards of fabric, then sew 10 yards of ruffled fabric onto the blackout curtain panels that I also made. I should have just bought them at Pottery Barn Kids.)

But. The kids played happily. Back to that part.

As I ironed, Caleb worked with his Legos. Finally, he was finished.
"Look, Mommy! I made a music box!"
Cool, Caleb! What kind of music does it play?

"Well, when you press this button...
it plays electric guitar!"

"Bow nah now da wowow!"
(as he played air guitar)

"Oh - oops! That was a little too loud. Let me turn down the volume."

"Ha! Sorry about that!"

What a funny kid! He's never before been this creative and imaginative, and it's so fun to see that side of him blossoming.

And then Daisy shouted from the other side of the room, "Take a picture of me, Mommy!" 
Uh, OK.

And then she gave me her "Don't take my picture!" face. What a strange girl.

Meanwhile, darling Lily happily wiggled around on her play mat.

Done with Legos, Caleb began playing the ... cello? I'm not sure. This was all his doing, and it was quite entertaining. We experimented with the ridged stick and the smooth stick. He wasn't sure which one made better music.

The kids all took great naps, but Lily woke up an hour before the other two. That gave us time to discover this: 
She sits!
She's still not very steady, and is only good for 5-10 seconds, but still. It's a big deal! I'm so excited and proud of her. Sitting is one of my favorite milestones, because it means she can interact and play and do things, instead of just laying there. Yay for Lily the sitter!

(I'm so distracted by her sitting that I keep forgetting to even notice how hilarious her hair is! I suppose if I cared more, I would put that crazy hair in a clip or pigtail or something. But let's be honest. We're a crazy hair family. Read on for further proof.)

Daisy woke up from her nap and stumbled into the room. I was so excited to show her Lily's new skill, but before I could tell her about it, she knelt down next to her sister and started talking to her. 
This is her fresh-from-nap hair. It is the funniest thing ever, and it's some variation of crazy like this every day. The combination of sweaty girl (she likes to sleep under heaps of blankets) and humidifier for her constantly stuffy nose and polyester pillowcase seems to create a perfect storm of hair-insanity.

And then I showed Daisy Lily's new trick, and she was so excited! I told her that Lily is getting bigger and she can sit up now, and Daisy immediately took that thought and ran with it.
"And soon she can walk!"
Well, maybe this summer...
"And I can hold her hand and she can walk!"

What a good big sister she is!

1 comment:

  1. That last picture is maybe my favorite one of Daisy yet!
