January 17

Just when we got bedtime figured out, just when we got her sleeping in her crib, just when I thought things were going to be good...
Lily has decided she wants to be mean about naptime.

Today she woke up at 6am. I kept her in bed with me until 6:30, when I realized she wasn't going back to sleep. Chris was up getting ready for work, so I took her to him and climbed back in bed for thirty minutes until he left for work. Lily used to go about two hours between  naps, so at 8:45 I started trying to put her down for a nap. I nursed her for 30 minutes, got her to sleep, laid her down in the crib and... WAAAAHHHH! Over the next two hours, I tried three more times to get her to sleep, with no luck. Finally I got her down at 11, and she napped for nearly two hours. But that was it for the day - no more napping, and she wasn't happy about it.

I feel Angry Mom rearing her ugly head again. I noticed the same thing when Caleb and Daisy were both this age, too. When the kids refuse to nap, or when they clearly need a nap and won't take one, or when they're on the verge of napping and then change their minds... I get really frustrated. I hate being Angry Mom, so we've got to figure out a way to get through this.

At least Lily is cute.
It was snowing pretty hard at one point today, so I took her out on the deck to see. She was pretty impressed! Sadly, the flurry of flakes stopped as soon as I started snapping pictures. But Lily was definitely interested in the flakes she saw!

I love her curious/surprised/interested face!

I love that she's sitting, too! That might be my favorite baby milestone.

Later, the girls had snuggle time on my bed while I folded laundry. Caleb just gave Daisy a pair of Spider Man socks that he says are too small now, and she was so excited.

Look at those two, quietly holding hands! Love them!

We also had lots of dress-up fun today. Caleb was Batman, then Darth Vader. Daisy was Wonder Woman, then Chewbacca. The best part? They're finally learning how to put the costumes on themselves, instead of asking me to do it for them. Hooray for independence!

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