January 7

Sometimes, the only logical conclusion is that Lily hates us and wants to see us suffer.

Such was the case last night, when the girl just wouldn't sleep. She missed her afternoon nap, and was ready for bed at pretty early. From 6:45 to 11:30, Chris and I took turns trying to get her to sleep. It was miserable. Because Chris is fighting a cold and feels pretty miserable, I wanted to let him sleep and tried to handle it myself. The thing is, I can only take so much trying and failing before I just get mad. So at 11:30, I handed her off to Chris. At 12:30 (I'm guessing at times here because I was so tired and angry that I couldn't keep track of the time.), we gave up and I told her to bring her to me in bed.
Where she still refused to sleep. 
It was the most miserable night ever.
And she was wide awake at 6:50 this morning!

Oh, Lily. 
It's just a season. It won't last forever. But boy am I tired.

See? Doesn't it look like she's plotting something? 
(Side note: when I attempted typing the caption above, my fingers were on the wrong keys and I typed "Aww." I definitely did not mean "aww". She is clearly planning something diabolical, which is not cute at all.)

Though most of the city is still shut down due to the snow and cold (I just got the call that our school district has declared its third snow day in a row), we ventured out for groceries. We definitely needed to get out! Sadly, that meant Lily missed her morning nap. 

I put her down as soon as we got home, but her nap wasn't nearly long enough. She woke up, then the big kids woke up, and we all played happily for a while. While the big kids played and I knitted a scarf for Daisy, Lily sat next to me on the couch. She was really vocal for a few minutes, then... silence. I looked over to see this: 
Yep. She fell asleep on the couch. 
Funny, though. I took this clearly-tired girl to her room and tried to put her down, and she fought me with every fiber of her being. For forty-five minutes, she fought. Finally I got her to sleep, and  came out to find this:

"Mommy! Mommy! I built a speeder bike!"
So you did, child. So you did.

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