January 8

We had an incredibly well-timed playdate with church friends this morning at an indoor playground.
In other words: these children are driving me crazy, and being indoors is driving them crazy. Thank goodness Caleb is back to preschool tomorrow, because he seems to desperately need to be away from me for a little bit.

After some good naps, we played in the afternoon sunshine in the front room.
Lily and I practiced her sitting. She still has quite a way to go before I'd call her an independent sitter.

I thought she might like to sit in the child-sized armchair that we call "The Time-Out Chair", but apparently she didn't like being in time out.

So Caleb brought her a toy. 

But she still wasn't happy, so he brought a few more.

But she still wasn't happy, so he brought a few more!
That was a bit much, so I narrowed it down to one.

Then, she was happy!

Then Caleb and I took some selfies.

I love this one, but the camera appears to have been focusing elsewhere.

I am trying so, so hard to love on this boy, even when he's being unlovable. Sadly, his unlovable moments tend to come at the expense of Daisy, or when he is unsupervised because I'm tending to Lily. It's hard to take a moment to snuggle him and show him he's special when there's a baby crying, or when Daisy is screaming because he just hit her. But we'll figure this thing out, I hope.

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