January 27

Today was another Do-Nothing Monday, which I think we all know is my favorite day ever. After Lily went down for her morning nap (FYI, there was no 5-hour stretch last night, but she slept in her crib for 95% of the night, so I call it a win.), the kids and I decided to try a new muffin recipe. Since it called for mashed bananas, I let the kids try to peel the bananas on their own.

Funniest. Thing. Ever.

Daisy was grunting, "I. Can't. Get. It. Open!"

They were so funny that I took a quick video of their methods:

After they had success, they quickly peeled all three bananas.
You can't tell it in this picture, but the two children are sharing one chair. I'm amazed that it works!

Daisy even got to beat the eggs!

The muffins were delicious, by the way.

Sadly, Lily's nap timing meant that there were no overlapping naps for me today. But, she and I got to have two solid hours of quality time while the big kids napped.

Yay for Mommy/Lily time!

Yay for playing with Caleb's cars when he's not there to take them away!

She was actually rolling the cars back and forth. See the red one in her hand above?


She tried her darndest to get it back, but she just couldn't reach. Does this show you, though, how my first two children ended up scooters, rather than crawlers? I'm curious to see if Lily will follow suit!
Also, she has become remarkably more stable when it comes to sitting. She can bend, twist, and turn now without tipping over. What a big girl!

Later I was prepping dinner when I came back to check on the big kids. I discovered Caleb and Daisy, both sitting in Caleb's bed reading books in the late-afternoon sunshine. By the time I came back with my camera, Caleb had jumped down to fetch another book and the moment was gone. Still, it was lovely.

And then Lily showed me that she can totally take care of herself. She grabbed the NoseFrida, put the sucky part in her mouth, and started suctioning out her own nose! Well, not really. But it was a valiant attempt. Soon she'll be changing her own diapers, too!

1 comment:

  1. So that's the way to start peeling a banana. I always have a hard time getting them started too. Thanks Caleb and Daisy for teaching me how to do that. I'll try it. :-)
