January 19

Today, sweet Lily is six months old! She's still very much a baby, but there's something about the six-month milestone that sends bells ringing in my head, warning that she's getting bigger every day.

We went to church this morning, where Lily was a perfect angel. She refused to nap, and stayed wide awake for the 25-minute drive home. When we got home (and she'd been awake for five and a half hours!), I tried to feed her and put her down for a nap. 
An hour and a half later, I tried again.
The girl was clearly exhausted, but she fought sleep like it was nobody's business. Finally I laid her down in her crib and let her fuss for a few minutes until she fell asleep.
But that only lasted for forty-five minutes. 
And so it goes with us.

But I did manage to take some six-month pictures of her.
Hi, cutie patootie!
Does that outfit look familiar? You may remember a similar ensemble from Daisy's nine-month birthday photos. When Daisy was nine months old, she weighed 16.1 pounds. I expect Lily to weigh about 15.5 at her six-month checkup tomorrow. Funny, isn't it?

I love that, though the outfits are the same, the girls are totally different.

Look at sweet Lil making faces in the mirror! Also, look at how huge her little legs are! Love it!

My mom and Ryan stopped by on their way home from church, and we were all so happy to see them! Lily was especially happy to chew on Grandma's finger, pull her hair, and attempt to grab her glasses.

Later, I tried to get a few more photos. If this outfit is familiar, it's because you remember it from Daisy's six-month photos. It's amazing how little Daisy looks compared to Miss Chunk!

I'm not sure if she's smiling with delight or wishing she could bite my face. Either way, it's cute.

Then she discovered the curtains.

I think Lily has a new passion.

I can't blame her, though. Curtains are fun!

Happy six-month birthday, Lily!

After we finished pictures, I tried to make dinner. Lily wasn't happy, though, and was reaching for anything she could find on the counter. Finally, I grabbed a celery stick that happened to be laying right there. She was pretty happy! 
I'm sure it felt interesting on her gums: cool, bumpy, smooth...

But she seemed a bit unhappy with the flavor!

Still, that didn't deter her and she continued to gnaw away. Finally, I realized she was chewing because she was hungry and I sat down to nurse her. Even though she's six months old, we're not going to rush the solids. It will happen eventually, and I guarantee celery will not be her first food!

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