January 19

Today was doubly great - a bank holiday, and Lily's 6-month checkup!

Since Lily's appointment was at 8:30, we decided to all go out for breakfast, and then Chris and the kids would join us at the doctor's office. (Our doctor shares office space with my midwife, so the office is lovely and very familiar to the kids. They love the toys and books there, so it was a treat for them!)

At the restaurant, Lily got to sit in a high chair for the first time. She rocked it, and was happy as a clam as long as we kept her supplied with spoons to chew and throw on the floor.

Caleb and Daisy were happy, too. We eat out so seldom that it's a big deal for them. My big relief is that, even though restaurants are a rarity for us now, they still know how to behave. I'm also pleased that we trained them to use glass cups at home, so they can be trusted with them at restaurants.

Funny things about this picture: Caleb is wearing Daisy's gloves. She wore them in the car, but when we got to the restaurant and she didn't need them anymore, she handed them to him. Even though he didn't need them, either, he was genuinely happy that she gave them to him!
Also, I finished knitting Daisy's scarf during Downton Abbey last night. By "finished", I mean "ran out of yarn and decided to stop knitting." Daisy was so excited when I gave it to her this morning!

Lily's checkup went well. She clocked in at 15 pounds, 4 ounces, which is 40th percentile. She's slowly dropping weight percentiles, but our doctor isn't concerned.  She was 25.25 inches long, which put her in the 60th percentile for height, and her head was 17.25 inches in circumference, which is 80th percentile. I was a bit concerned that she is behind in gross motor development, but the doctor assured me that she's actually fine. We talked about introducing solids, and then...
Lily got her first shot.
Well, technically not her first - she got a vitamin K shot at birth. But we chose to delay vaccinations for Lily, just because I'm not entirely comfortable that all of the ingredients in them are really in the best interest of my children, but I'm also not entirely comfortable skipping vaccinations. After much research, Chris and I decided to do a selective, delayed vaccine schedule. So Lily got one shot today, and will go back in a month to get another, and in another month to get a third... While we end up going in to the doctor's office more, Chris and I feel much more comfortable allowing her body time to process the toxins in vaccines before we give her the next one.

See the little spot on her thigh? That's the only proof she got a shot. Otherwise, she's been her happy, normal self! (Also, we just found this tag blanket I made when Caleb was a baby. Lily is just the right age for it now, and she loves it!)

Hi, cutie!

Oh, and say hello to my shiny new running shoes! When the kids woke up from naps this afternoon, we went on a family run. Caleb insisted he could run with me, because he is a boy and boys are faster than girls. Finally, Chris decided that he would come, too, and push Lily and Daisy in the BOB. Caleb could run as far as he wanted, and then hop in the stroller for a rest. It worked out perfectly! We only covered 2 or 2.5 miles, but it was a step in the right direction for me. I never thought I'd say it, but I miss running. I can't wait until it's easy again!

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