June 22

Chris left at 5:45 this morning to join colleagues on a flight to Chicago. It was a work trip, but not for work. They went for a baseball game. 
They flew back in the evening, and Chris didn't get home until after 9:00. It was a long day for him, and a long day for me, too!

My goal was to not take any pictures so that I wouldn't have to do anything computer-y.

But then the kids were so stinking cute that I had to. I made muffins for breakfast, and Lily and Eli wanted to be on the counter. 
Lily begged to do "school" - a writing workbook I picked up for Daisy in the Target dollar section. Lily has no idea what she's doing, but she really likes the idea of doing school

I caught her trying to tuck a pencil behind her ear, and helped her out a little bit.
She was really pleased with the results.
Can you tell from the expression on her face that she is trying to stay perfectly still so the pencil doesn't fall? Too funny!

And Eli is totally into cheesing for the camera. I don't even have to ask him to do it, he just starts grinning like a fool and saying "CHEEE" every time he sees my camera. (Also, he had a giant strawberry for first breakfast. Can you tell?)

Then Lily tried to tuck her pencil behind Eli's ear. He was holding really still, trying to let her do it, but they couldn't quite figure it out. These kids are so funny!

And then hats. Because Eli has just figured out hats. His age is so much fun!

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