June 20

Caleb and Daisy started VBS, Round 2 today, this time at a smaller church, closer to home. After we dropped them off, Lily asked if we could go to a park. How could I say no?

We picked a shady one with a toddler playground, and we ended up being the only people there! 
He may not be walking yet, but Eli can handle a playground like nobody's business! (As long as the playground doesn't have a rubberized surface that's been heated by the sun. Those playgrounds leave him in tears, because the ground is too hot for his little hands and knees.)

Can you tell that Lily was excited about the playground? Her face is too funny!

Eli and Lily moved on to the swings and were so engaged with their swinging that I gave them both a few big pushes and sat down on a bench. Eli would have none of it - he insisted on sitting on the bench with me. Funny boy! So of course we took a selfie.

Then we went home and had snacks and played with toys on the front porch. It was so simple and easy and lovely! Soon enough it was time to pick up the big kids. As I got their lunch ready, I noticed that Eli had scooted over to Caleb on the bench, and was snuggling up with him. Then Lily noticed, and she scooted over to snuggle up to Caleb, too. Then Caleb noticed that I noticed, and said, "Mommy! Get your camera!"
Kid knows me too well.
Then Daisy noticed that a picture was happening, and ran around so that she could be in the picture, too.
These kids can bicker like the best of them, but they love each other so much!

Then the mailman came bearing a package for me - my most recent wrap purchase! I got a stellar deal on a wrap that I'm hoping will be perfect for carrying toddlers on hot summer days.
Also, it's kind of lovely.
It's a Didymos Shades of Blue wrap, which is a cotton/linen/hemp blend. I'm so excited, and the kids were, too. The girls both argued about whose turn it was to go up next!

I thought the day couldn't get any better, and then naptime involved all four children napping at the same time, for over two hours. 

Then it was time for Caleb's second swim meet. It was his first away meet, but luckily it was at a pool in an adjacent neighborhood. He swam the 25 meter freestyle, the 100 meter freestyle relay, and the 25 meter back stroke

Getting ready for his first race!

We still need to work on his breathing.

Also, see how his long hair is kind of covering his goggles? Today I talked to him about that, and asked him if he wanted me to cut his hair so he could see better. He said no, so we brainstormed other solutions. Eventually, we came up with the idea of a swim cap. I asked him if he minded being one of the only boys who wore a swim cap, and he said, "Well, Grandpa used to wear a swim cap, and he's a boy!"

So we bought him a team swim cap. And then I happened to mention to our sweet neighbor, whose son is a few years older than Caleb and also on the swim team, that Caleb really wanted the team swim trunks, but I haven't been able to take him someplace to try them on and purchase them. She ran out to her car and came back with a pair that her son had outgrown. They fit Caleb perfectly!

This boy was so, so happy.

Doesn't he look like a serious swimmer now?

Go get 'em, Caleb!

And go get 'em, Old Farm Cows!

It was so hot out that I ended up taking the little three home after Caleb's first race, but Chris texted me this video of Caleb swimming the back stroke.
Way to go, Caleb!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I haven't been able to look at the swim video, I'll watch soon. He will prob love watching the Olympics this year for the swimming! :)
