April 29

As I brushed the tangles out of Daisy's hair this morning, she asked me to put a ponytail in her hair. I was feeling silly, so I asked if she wanted it right on top of her head, or maybe two ponytails... Amazingly, she loved the idea of two ponytails, and was pleasant and cooperative while I brushed her hair into her very first pigtails.

I have to tell you: it was the cutest. thing. EVER. These pictures in no way capture the pure adorableness of Daisy in pigtails, but I had to take them quickly because we were rushing to get Caleb to school on time because it was his turn to fill the Mystery Box! (He chose the cape that my friend Amber made for him nearly three years ago. That cape was one of the best gifts ever.)

So. Rushed pictures of Daisy in pigtails:
Can you tell that she was totally delighted with them?

She was so delighted with them that she cooperated for pictures.

Oh. My. Goodness.
She kills me.

And somehow, with all of the Daisy-adorableness, I only got crummy pictures of Lily today. 
She found a ball. She was pretty excited.

This girl totally needs pigtails, too. I would have done it, but all the pigtail-making supplies were in Daisy's room, and Daisy was napping.

Maybe tomorrow will be Lily's turn for pigtails. I might be addicted to pigtails now.

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