April 25

We had such a fun - and busy - day! This morning, we joined Amber and her kids for a home school event at a gymnastics gym. We aren't home schoolers, but it didn't seem to matter. Even though our first tumbling class at the YMCA last week was a disaster, I was eager to give the kids another chance to experience a real gymnastics class. Caleb rose to the challenge, and was remarkably brave and engaged. I'm pretty sure he realized how much he had missed out on last week because he wouldn't participate, and he didn't want it to happen again.
Both kids were rewarded for their bravery with the opportunity to leap into a foam pit. It's not even possible for me to explain here how much they were looking forward to the foam pit, and they were so. excited.
Yes, it's a blurry cell phone picture through a window, but it's Daisy preparing to leap into the foam pit.

And there's a motion-blurred Caleb leaping into the pit. He loved it!

Chris got to go to the baseball game tonight, so I was home alone with the kiddos. Luckily, the weather was beautiful, so we decided to head to the lake after dinner. My parents were free and met up with us on the beach.

First, we stopped to see a cake.  Daisy's birthday is next week, and we decided that on her birthday we are going to hunt birthday cakes. Since there happened to be one at the lake, we started our cake hunt today.

Daisy was so excited!

Oh. My. Goodness.
Isn't she darling?

At the lake, Lily was very skeptical of Grandpa. She was interested, but skeptical.

Caleb and Daisy, meanwhile, got right to work with their playing.

I never get tired of pictures like this.

Mom didn't like this picture, but I think it's stunning. It's my blog, so I win.

Those eyelashes!
Those sweet cheeks!
Those chubby legs!

Sadly, the sun began setting much too soon.
Also sadly, Caleb decided to wade in the lake up to his mid-thighs. Instantly, a non-bath-night became a bath night. Boo.

And Lily was still skeptical of Grandpa.

At bedtime, I took the big kids to get some water and came back to find Lily literally flipping through a book. It was awesome!

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