April 28

I always think maybe I should do something on Do-Nothing Mondays, but then I don't, and I'm glad.
So we did nothing today.

I mean, yeah, there was a yogurt party.

Lily was the only person celebrating the yogurt, but she didn't mind.

This girl went through five different outfits today because of her eating habits. It's not even anything a bib could fix; she drops everything into her lap, where it gets mushed into her pants. It's really a disaster, but I remind myself that it's just a part of having a baby this age. Making messes is learning, and I'm glad that my babies get to be at home with me, making messes.

My big kids and their messes, though... Apparently one of my failings as a parent is in teaching my kids to pick up after themselves and be responsible. I slack on making them pick up regularly, and then lose my cool when I can't take a step because the floor is covered in their cast-off toys. That totally happened today, and at nap time, Caleb told me, "Mommy, you are being too unkind to me. You need to pray. You need to take a nap and pray so that you will be kind."

That kid knows more than I give him credit for. 

Later, Lily and I welcomed a thunderstorm on the front porch while the big kids napped.
("Do nothing" apparently included naps today; this girl only took 45-minute naps today. Boo.)

Then there was roll-around-naked-on-the-floor time, during which Lily demonstrated that she has mastered the art of rolling as locomotion. She rolled all over her room, and it was really pretty funny.  Though she's not moving around too much, I do have a video of her being silly and rolling, with some commentary from Caleb.

And then Caleb "helped" me make dinner.
At one point he wasn't paying attention and knocked over an empty wine glass that was on the counter. It broke. I kept my cool, but expressed my disappointment that he wasn't more careful. He said, "Well, Mommy, you can just go buy a new one!" (I know he's trying to look on the bright side, but I hate his attitude that everything is replaceable. I'm not sure how to fix that.)
I replied that I wouldn't replace the glass, and that I wasn't particularly concerned about it; I was more concerned that he might have been hurt by the glass shards. I told him, "Caleb, you might have been hurt, and I only have one you!"
He replied, "Mommy. You can just give birth to Yoey (his name for our future, hypothetical, definitely-not-in-my-uterus baby #4).)

I was baffled because 1. My four-year-old just used the phrase "give birth".
2. He thinks I can just have another baby to make up for him? 

That child. I have no idea about him.

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