April 1

Nothing exciting happened around here today, which is fine by me.

There was a lot of snuggling and rolling around in the big bed, which is my favorite.

And lots of sister snuggles while Caleb was at preschool

I was feeling frisky at lunch time and decided to use cookie cutters to cut letters out of their cheese. It was fun, but ain't nobody got time for that. Plus, the children were only mildly entertained.

While I prepped dinner, I let Lily play in the drawer of plastic dishes. She was so happy!

And then Daisy woke up from a much-too-short nap, screaming and crying inconsolably. There was nothing wrong with her; she just wanted to be awake even though she wasn't ready to be awake. She wanted to be held, but I was making meatballs, so into the Ergo she went. I know she doesn't look happy in the picture, but it really was a great solution. I wore her for about half an hour while Lily played with the dishes.Luckily, Lily didn't seem to mind seeing someone else in her spot on my back!

1 comment:

  1. Look at you, skinny little thing! I'm getting all caught up on the Rifes. I was so behind! ;)
