April 17

After a car accident we had a few weeks ago, the insurance company required us to get all new car seats. They finally all arrived yesterday, so I spent the afternoon today removing the old ones and installing the new ones.
Caleb was really disappointed when I told him that the new car seats were not red, like the ones on the box.

What's that behind the car seats? Just a happy baby. Lily played happily on that blanket for over an hour. Now that she's more mobile, though, I did find myself repositioning her occasionally. She definitely moved off the blanket several times, but still isn't capable of crawling away. 

Old car seats. Farewell, friends! I'm sorry to see you go!

I gave Lily several toys to play with, but she was happiest with my phone. Reason #842 why I  paid the extra money for the bulky, heavy-duty case for it.

She's not actually using the phone, but it sure looks like she's taking a selfie!

Duck lips! Seriously! Are they born doing it?

Also, do you remember when Daisy wore this same outfit?
It was a Caleb's-birthday gift from Auntie Grace, and I love it. I think it's hilarious that in the photo above, Daisy is 14 months old, and Lily is rocking the same outfit at 9 months old. 

Here is the fruit of my labor:
Three Diono Radians across the backseat of my sedan. It's been our status quo for over nine months now, but it still tickles me to see it. Minivan, shminivan. 
(Who am I kidding? I would love to have a minivan! Maybe next year... or when future hypothetical baby #4 comes along...)

While Chris and I made dinner, the kids played on the swing set. Chris, who was manning the grill, knocked on my kitchen window when he noticed Daisy pushing Lily in the swing. By the time I got out there, Caleb had taken over swing-pushing duties, and I got a quick video.

I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! That is the sweetest thing! I love Caleb's face, he is so happy because Lily is having so much fun! Ugh plus her little legs kicking with each swing? So stinkin cute!!!
