September 8

I didn't feel well today, so this is pretty much the only decent photo of the day.

He did this "take a big sip of milk, then let it all dribble down the chin, onto the chest" thing twice today - once at lunch, and again before bed.

He wore the same shirt all day, which meant that by evening, he stunk like yucky milk.

In retrospect, I probably should have changed his shirt, but I was too busy not feeling well. The sweet boy noticed something was wrong today, and was extra-snuggly and affectionate.

Which would have made me feel better, except that he stunk like yucky milk.

I guess next time I don't feel well, I'll remember that changing his shirt is worth the extra effort!


  1. Both the girls went through that phase with their drinks - drove me crazy! I hope you're feeling better!
