September 17

It's an early-post day; we're going to the Forest Park Balloon Glow tonight with some friends, and I'm not sure how late we'll get back or how worn out I'll be after the excursion.

Caleb was feeling much more cheerful today, which is interesting, considering the fact that when I put him down for his nap 20 minutes ago, he had a 100.4 fever. Huh. No fever = fussy, yes fever = happy. What gives?

I'm hoping a good nap and some ibuprofren will be just what he needs to be ready for the Balloon Glow. Hopefully I'll get some great hot-air balloon photos to share with you tomorrow! For today, I have some great lawn-mowing photos.

He's so much steadier on his feet now, but he still gets so excited when he stands up!

And he's finally walking well enough to use this toy that Chris' parents gave him for his birthday.
It's supposed to blow bubbles as you "mow", but we can't quite make that work. Caleb doesn't mind, though; he loves his mower! He even says, "Mow". It kind of reminds me of that one Simpsons episode, where Homer wants to kill Moe and he keeps saying over and over, "Moe. Moe. Moe. Moe."

This is his "Danny R." face. He makes it a lot, and it looks just like a face Chris' Dad makes when he's being silly.

And this one I just love.

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