September 22

I'm not sure what to tell you about my little brown bear today. I think he must be going through a rough patch; during the course of the day, he goes from being snuggly, smart, and adorable to being whiny, fussy, and challenging. My friend Sara says she thinks that babies have a difficult time regulating their emotions when they're hitting important developmental milestones, and I'm inclined to believe her. She's pretty smart.

Today was a perfect example. This morning, my funny little boy pushed his high chair through the breakfast area, into the kitchen. He even navigated around a corner and avoided the cat food. He was so proud of himself!

He finally got stuck, which was pretty upsetting.

Later, he didn't want to be a big boy anymore; he wanted to be a baby.

His swing was out from when Max was over a few weeks ago. We left it out because Caleb likes to put his baby Cabbage Patch Kid in the swing and rock it. Sweet, right?

Today, baby got kicked out.

Don't let this bored look fool you. This child was totally content to be rocked in his swing for at least 15 minutes. I was just happy to have a content child.

Incidentally, here's one-week-old Caleb in the same swing:
Don't you just want to squeeze him?


  1. I'm inclined to believe your friend Sara also, although sometimes it seems kids have trouble regulating their emotions pretty much all the time (or at least more often than not). I think it's a learned art. And if you think about how many adults you know that haven't mastered it, it's not all that surprising when a toddler has trouble. :)

  2. Oh, these are all so adorable. I would agree, I think when a child starts to see that he can do some of the physical things he has been wanting to try it is so exciting, but also frustrating when he gets "stuck". Then they don't know how to channel that energy. There is so much stimulation going on in that little brain! I would like to see him swinging the cabbage patch in that swing! XOXO

  3. Absolutely ADORABLE pictures! Mom:)
