September 4

Caleb and Chris took advantage of another beautiful day by going for a bike ride today. Chris originally took Caleb to a park to ride, but had to come home without riding because he forgot their helmets.

I love that my babydaddy is as passionate about helmets (and Caleb's safety) as I am.

Back home, they finally got their helmets on.

This was right before they headed out. I love how Caleb's little hand is on the handlebar! He LOVES riding bikes with Daddy.

Later, I got to do bedtime with Caleb. As it got dark, I turned on his little lamp, and was reminded that Caleb has learned to pull the chain on his lamp to turn it on and off. Apparently, it's a really fun game.

And? It's another 3-day weekend. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. ohhh look at how big Caleb's helmet looks on his little head! You are the best dad, Chris!!This is so cute, I wish I could have gone bike riding with you guys.
