September 18

I would just like to point out that this is post #340, which means I only have 25 more posts to go before I complete my "One Caleb a Day" challenge. But don't worry - I have plans for the blog once the challenge is over. I think you'll still like it.

Unfortunately, we didn't get any great Balloon Glow photos yesterday. Traffic + crowds meant that we didn't get to the balloons until it was too dark for a decent photo. But here is one I stole from our friends, the Del Gaisos:

And here are some photos of Caleb at the Balloon Glow last year. (Please note - that is the same light post behind me below and behind Chris D. above. Wild!)

Caleb practiced his walking today. He's getting so close to walking independently! It's fun for us to watch, and it's fun for him, too. He gets pretty excited when he walks.

He started out the morning by walking around in his jammies and Daddy's Cards hat.

Caleb was pretty proud of himself, but I think Chris helped quite a bit.

Later, we visited Grandma, and Caleb discovered that he didn't need Daddy's help, after all!
Grandma's post-knee-replacement walker was a big hit!

You would think all of this walking would wear him out. It wore us out - we ended up going to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner instead of making dinner. As we settled our weary bones into the well-worn booths, Caleb got more and more excited, until this:

That would be our child, smeared with chicken and rice, cheering excitedly. We still have no idea what got into him, but that kid was a raging ball of energy most of our meal. It was slightly terrifying, but mostly entertaining.


  1. He looks so proud of himself standing up and walking with Daddy! I love the crazy excited look in the last picture....looks like he was having a good time! =-)

  2. Yay! We made the blog! :) I love looking at "this time last year" pics - it is amazing how different & big he is now! Such a cutie...
