September 14

Does this look familiar?
Yep. He dumped the Cheerios again. Only today, he did it before he even got out of his jammies. And today, he dumped the whole box.

But this time I got wise. No more box for you, mister!

Am I a bad mom for scooping the Cheerios right up off the floor and putting them in a plastic container? Wouldn't you try to salvage what you could? Or should I have thrown them away?

Then, we visited my Mom to help out before she has knee replacement surgery tomorrow. Jenny even came over to do baby duty so I could be more helpful. This is a big deal, because Jenny DOESN'T do mornings.

Caleb loves Aunt Jenny!

Later, Caleb showed off his mad standing skills.
He's clearly so proud of himself when he does it!

He'll be walking in no time - I just know it!


  1. Love his face in the last one. So victorious! Just day he's just gonna be zooming all over! =-)

  2. great aunt mag loves those standing shots. he is just so adorable. and i would have scooped the top of the pile of the cheerios and then thrown the bottom half outside for the birdies... this would make uncle tim upset because it can also attract "critters"... so, i guess i should be even happier to be an empty nester--no one spills the cereal!
