September 15

Today felt reeeeaaaallllly long.

Maybe it had something to do with Caleb's general fussiness, or the fact that he only took one nap today. But good things did happen today. Caleb *might* have taken one un-assisted step today. And my mom made it through her knee replacement surgery just fine; she'll be recouperating at the hospital for the next few days.

We braved the fury of FussyBaby to visit Grandma at the hospital. Luckily, she was too drugged up to realize that Caleb was being slightly unpleasant.

Grandpa, however, was not drugged up. (I hope.)

He and Caleb had a serious conversation.

The result of the conversation was this:

And once they were done conversing, both men sat around a little bit.
This photo made me connect the dots... general fussiness, finger chewing...
Perhaps Caleb has more teeth coming in? Let's hope!

1 comment:

  1. He looks very serious in the first photo. Boo for fussy baby but yay for a possible step and for more teeth! =-)
