September 1

Poor Caleb didn't understand why we couldn't go outside today. He kept scooting to the door and saying, "Ah-s? Ah-s?" But it was rainy and dreary; a little boy who scoots instead of walking doesn't go well with rain puddles. I can't wait until he can walk - then we'll be outside in the rain!

Our Parents As Teachers educator came over today, though. We're so blessed that our district chose to keep the program, despite the state's harsh budget cuts. However, we only get to see her twice this school year, so she did Caleb's assesment today.

She was really impressed with his language skills. A child his age is expected to have about 6 words, and Caleb has over 30! She was really impressed with the way Caleb watches mouths when someone is speaking. Apparently this helps with language acquisition. His fine motor skills are fantastic, but (just as I thought) his gross motor skills are an area of concern. He's not considered "delayed", but it's an area to watch.

And his cuteness factor - well let's just say Caleb scored off the charts on that one! Our parent educator brought a feather out, and Caleb loved being tickled with it!

This was right after his afternoon nap. (It was much better than yesterday's - could you tell I was a little frazzled yesterday?)

He was playing peek-a-boo with his tag blanket when I came in to get him, but by the time I grabbed my camera, he was doing this instead.

I love our happy boy!

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