April 20

It was a MOPS day today! 
Due to vacation and illness, I have had to miss the past two MOPS meetings. We only have one left after this, so it was such a treat to be able to go today!

On the way home, I noticed that my field of wildflowers was finally in bloom. I have been waiting for this field since last spring, desperate to use it for photo sessions. So despite my hungry, whiny kids, I drove past to explore it. The field I had in mind was actually kind of blah - the best fields looked like they were on private property, with no available parking. So we went back to the blah fields and hiked through tall grasses to see if maybe they were better in person.
Pretty fun, right?

My MOPS table leader gave me this yard flower, and Lily confiscated it to use as her magic wand. That + pigtails + beetle shirt + plaid shorts + flowered boots = girl is hilarious.

Caleb seems unimpressed.

Eli liked it, though!
Or maybe he liked this gorgeous carrier I am borrowing from Amber?

So much fun!

And then we went home, ate lunch, and this: 
Baby in a big boy bed is just too cute.

I might have snuck a nap in myself, while I let the big kids watch science shows on Netflix and Amazon. That counts as school, right?

Eventually, Eli came in to wake me up. This kid is too funny!

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